Nimbus VotingUnits: secure, quick, interactive
24. April 2024Once with Nimbus, always with Nimbus
21. August 2024Dedicated helpers in the background: Nimbus and Habegger make sure AGMs run perfectly smoothly
The Annual General Meeting is a company’s calling card. It requires reliable technologies, experience, and well-coordinated teams who ensure everything runs perfectly smoothly.
Voting and event technicians must work hand in hand
Several delivery vans worth of technologies, hundreds of metres of cable, an autonomous, secure radio and server system, electronic voting devices, etc. etc.: these are all the elements the Nimbus service team needs to install to ensure smooth voting and election processes at Annual General Meetings.
As a rule, even more material is required by the event technician team, for instance the one in charge of AGMs at Habegger AG. It is responsible for all matters relating to audio, video, lighting, and rigging technology.
To guarantee a successful General Assembly, both event and voting direction must work together in perfect harmony. According to Malik Zayat, Habegger’s event director, this is always the case when Habegger and Nimbus meet: “We know each other very well and are a well-coordinated dream team. Whenever I work with Nimbus, I can be certain things work.”
Both teams do their best to ensure the event’s success
To calculate voting or election results, Nimbus uses a secured voting system that is operated on a dedicated radio frequency. The results are then processed graphically, checked for plausibility and validated by the public limited company. Event technicians can only project the results on the hall screen if they were validated.
The Nimbus voting system receives high praise, not only for its reliable results and the speed at which they are made available, but also for its user-friendly design that makes the event team’s job a lot easier: “Nimbus is the only provider using a visual system. Results that are not yet validated are hidden with a diagonal bar. As soon as this bar disappears, we can project the result. This makes it simple and unmissable… and protects us from manipulation errors.”
Good marks given to Nimbus by Habegger
The experts at Nimbus and Habegger are responsible for impeccable operation of their respective technologies and the systems’ communication. They all work together in a confined space and master any unforeseen events together.
Malik Zayat enjoys working with Nimbus: “The Nimbus team always puts joint success first. The staff working on site is very friendly, incredibly flexible, and has a high sense of responsibility. Whenever Nimbus is with us, no prompting or controls are needed. The team knows what to do and performs its tasks independently, competently and reliably. With Nimbus, I can be certain: it works!”
Please contact us for a consultation without obligation:
Hans-Peter Süess
Good to know:
A glimpse behind the scenes at Nimbus – the video
Why customers and partners enjoy working with us
“The Nimbus team always puts joint success first. The staff working on site is very friendly, incredibly flexible, and has a high sense of responsibility. With Nimbus, I can be certain: it works!”
Malik Zayat
Event Regisseur
Habegger AG